PEF Online

Remote access to CZU network (VPN)

Remote access to CZU network via VPN is a simple tool to connect from anywhere (for example, from home) to the internal network of the CZU and then using the remote desktop connection of their work to use it as if you were physically present at the workplace.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a means of connecting computers through the public (untrusted) computer networks to a closed private (trusted) network. When establishing a connection the identity of both parties is verified using digital certificates, authentication occurs, all communication is encrypted, so we can consider such a connection secure.

1. Enter mobile number into intranet

  • Log in to the CZU Intranet.
  • Select the Personalia-> Upravit kontaktní informace -> Přidat kontakt.
  • Add contact – phone number in the following format +420xxxxxxxxx.
  • Select the contact type “Mobilní telefon”.
  • Select the "Obecný kontakt" section.
  • If you check the "Zveřejnit na WWW", option, mobile phone number WILL be displayed on your profile on wp.czu.cz.
  • Check "Primární" (if you have multiple mobile phones registered, then check the Primární where the 6-digit numeric code should be sent.).
  • Mobile numbers are synchronized from intranet every hour. Therefore, after entering your mobile number, it may take up to an hour for the intranet to work.

2. Request to establish VPN connection

The usual VPN request process is based on your manager's request through Helpdesk OIKT.

In this “non-contact” period we have simplified this process for you by the Dean allowing the creation of VPN to all PEF employees, just fill in simple REQUEST. Our engineers Jaroslav Špaček, Václav Rathouský or Maxim Kozlov will contact you upon request and they will discuss further steps with you.

3. Install and configure VPN software (VPN client) on your home computer

  • Installation files are located at https://vpn.czu.cz in the “VPN Installation files” section.
  • If you already have an older version of the VPN installed on your computer that is not up to date, delete it and restart your computer. If you are downloading a VPN for the first time than you probably do not have an older version on your computer.
  • On this page https://vpn.czu.cz in the “Installation Files” section, you click on the option “Download file” download the zipped VPN installation software client according to your operating system on your home computer – most likely windows, a version for Mac OS and Linux is also available.
  • Open (display) the compressed file and click the installer with the extension x64 for 64-bit Windows installation, or even x86 for 32-bit.
  • Most likely Windows Defender will give you a warning pop-up, that the installed software may harm your computer – if this happens, allow the installation by clicking “Další informace (More information)” and allow ("Přesto spustit").
  • User account protection prompts you to confirm that you allow the installation to make changes in Windows- select the button “Ano (Yes)”.
  • Accept license policies and options Next -> Next -> Install -> Finish -> Restart PC finish installation. The installer will create a shortcut with a name on your desktop “FortiClient”.
  • Run the installed VPN software, for example, using a shortcut on the desktop “FortiClient”.
  • In the “Jméno uživatele (User name) ” field enter your login name, into the field that says “Heslo (Password)” enter you password and click “Připojit (Connect)”.
  • During login, the application will always ask you for an Authorization Token, which you will receive a registered mobile number (marked as primary) by SMS. Fill in the token and click OK.
  • Congratulations you are now connected to the VPN.

    If at any point you are lost during the installation, you can refer to the video guide (in Czech).

4. Start and set up Remote Desktop Connection

  • Your CZU office computer to which you want to connect must be turned on! If it is not on, contact our technicians.
  • In the Start/Search menu, enter “Připojení ke vzdálené ploše/Remote Desktop Connection” to open a window “Připojení ke vzdálené ploše/Remote desktop connection”.
  • Use the arrow at the bottom left (Zobrazit možnosti/Show options) to see more options.
  • In the “Počítač/Computer” field fill in your computer name or the full DNS name of the device. This information must be given from our technicians!
  • In the field “Uživatelské jméno/Login name” put in your login information in the following format CZU\login, that you use at CZU.
  • Ignore any warning related to the certificate. Click "Pokračovat/Continue". 
  • You can save your connection settings to have a shortcut to connect to the remote desktop.
  • After clicking the connect button, you will be redirected to your office computer at CZU and have full control over it.

For more information, instructions, and FAQ, visit the OIKT website.

In case of problems or for further information, please contact Helpdesk OIKT (+420 224 384 444) or our technicians Jaroslav Špaček or Václav Rathouský (+420 224 382 471).